63 Sqn 75th Anniversary Celebration

63 Sqn 75th Anniversary Celebration

In celebration of the 75th Anniversary of 63 Squadron RAF Regiment and in tribute to its dual role as the Queen’s Colour Squadron, a day of commemoration was held on 24 September 2018 to mark this significant milestone.  In recognition of the dual capability, an intimate Service was held at the Central Church of the Royal Air Force, St Clement Danes Church, in order to unveil the Queen’s Colour Squadron Crested Stone which was laid in the Church alongside that of 63 Squadron RAF Regiment. All Squadron personnel were in attendance, as well as representatives from GJD Services, who kindly sponsored the stone.

Following the unveiling of the Stone at St Clement Danes Church, the Squadron held a formal dinner at the Union Jack Club to celebrate the significant anniversary of 63 Sqn RAF Regiment. Additionally, the dinner provided a timely opportunity to recognise the efforts of the Squadron over the course of a unique and demanding year delivering ceremonial excellence in support of the RAF’s Centenary.

The evening included speeches from Squadron Leader Ben Alcock, Officer Commanding Queen’s Colour Squadron (63 Squadron RAF Regiment) and Warrant Officer Paul Langley, Squadron Warrant Officer. The speeches highlighted the unit’s numerous achievements over the past 12 months and recognised those individuals who continuously delivered above and beyond in support of Op AD ASTRA. The dinner also included vignettes from a number of personnel, who had served on 63 Squadron RAF Regiment throughout its recent history, outlining how the Squadron had evolved and also brought to life a few of the more comic moments in its history.

The evening concluded with the premier of the 2018 Queen’s Colour Squadron video, which showcased the Squadron’s highlights over RAF100. The whole event was made possible due to the contributions from the Centurion Fund, who kindly supported and enabled the Gunners to celebrate their accomplishments in the fantastic function room at the Union Jack Club, fostering excellent Squadron cohesion ahead of the ‘Return to Green’ and preparations for NATO STARTASSESS in 2019.